

Services of licensed accountants for efficient accounting

Our licensed accountants are at your service, providing complete accounting for small, medium or large companies. We offer advice in the field of accounting and bookkeeping.

Our qualities

Knowledge, promptness, control and responsibility are our qualities. You trust our associates.

Quality service

An efficient accounting service will help you look into the future development of your business.


Efficient accounting service for business development


Licensed accountants

We have a team of expert licensed accountants with many years of experience.

Why accounting

Apart from recording transactions, accounting is also a decision-making tool.

Neat business books

Correct business decisions also depend on proper business books.


Proxima accounting services

We offer accounting services that handle all the routine accounting functions that otherwise take up too much of your time, allowing you to focus more on growing your business. Our efficient accounting service will help you look to the future development of your business, instead of worrying about the past.

Accounting services include receipt, review, processing and posting of incoming and outgoing invoices, cashier's orders, and other documentation based on which business changes are recorded.

In the case of traders and other entrepreneurial activities, accounting records of changes in book income and expenses, records of receivables and liabilities, book of turnover and preparation of calculations, as well as assistance in recording and maintaining the retail trade book and the wholesale trade book are carried out.


You are looking for efficient bookkeeping

Fortunately for you, you have found a solution to the problem. Our team of experts, who continuously follow domestic regulations in the field of accounting, as well as international accounting standards, are here to help you improve your business through a very high-quality and professional relationship.

What do you get by hiring us? Running a business is an exciting endeavor, but keeping track of day-to-day transactions along with the multitude of other responsibilities you face is a burden. By hiring us, you get a safe and reliable partner who will relieve you of a large part of your obligations, and you can redirect your energy to the development and growth of the company.

Who are our services for? We provide accounting services to all types of companies, the NGO sector, sports clubs, and tenant assemblies. The general practice is that we perform our services on our proven program, but if you have a need, i.e. you have your own accounting software, that’s not a hindrance to hiring us. In that case, we distinguish between two types: standard bookkeeping on our program or service on your program, which we do from our office via an Internet connection with your computer.

What services do we offer?

As part of financial accounting, we offer:

– recording of all business changes;
– keeping a diary, ledger and auxiliary records in accordance with international accounting standards;
– determining the state of liabilities and claims
– salary calculation;
– keeping a book of incoming and outgoing accounts for the needs of the tax authority;
– preparation of compensation proposals;
– keeping cash registers;
– preparation of statements of open items;
– register of fixed assets;
– calculation of depreciation;
– preparation of periodic financial reports depending on the needs of clients;
– preparation and submission of the final account in accordance with legal regulations.


By maintaining personnel records, we provide a database of employees in which all individually important information is recorded (past work, coefficients, working hours, beginning and end of employment) for salary calculation. All employee fluctuations at the client are regularly updated in order to ensure accuracy during monthly calculations.

As part of salary calculation, we offer the following services:

– salary calculation for full and part-time work;
– calculation of taxes, contributions and surcharges;
– calculation of salary benefits (annual vacations, all types of sick leave);
– calculation of salary increases based on overtime and/or night work;
– preparation and submission of tax forms;
– keeping records of credit obligations of employees (administrative bans);
– calculation of tax on the lease of business premises;
– calculation of taxes and contributions on work contracts;
– creation and, if necessary, the client submits an order for the payment of wages, taxes and contributions to the branch of the bank with which he has a current account;
– Creation and archiving of payrolls;
– other calculations (compensation for separate living, severance pay upon retirement, severance pay upon mutual termination of employment).

Merchandise material bookkeeping

By recording changes in stocks of raw materials, unfinished production, finished products and goods, we enable constant insight into the state of stocks. Poor inventory management is one of the main causes of illiquidity.

Through our software solution, we enable:

– preparation of calculation of raw materials;
– preparation of the calculation of goods for trade companies (wholesale – retail);
– preparation of international calculations;
– warehouse management at purchase prices (wholesale);
– creation of dispatch notes;
– creation of internal receipts;
– creation of work orders;
– creation of census lists;
– creating invoices for clients’ needs;
– keeping the trade book;
– preparation of book approvals.